The last time I saw Barry Bostwick, we were messing up our hair together. If you don't believe me, watch it at On the Beat With Barry Bostwick.
The hair incident occurred several years at at Wizard World (now Fan Expo). There was a special media session with Bostwick and a few other celebrities. As I asked Bostwick for an interview, he started the hair talk and I ran with it. Who am I to argue with him? Besides, with my mop of hair, I couldn't really do any damage.
It's times like that I really love doing this. I am quite sure Bostwick wouldn't remember it, but it was one of my funniest moments.
We had to visit Bostwick again at this year's Fan Expo. I mentioned the hair incident and although he didn't remember, he did comment that we both had hair worth mussing. It wasn't a classic moment like the original hair time, but it was a funny exchange.
Fan Expo has done a great job continuing the legacy of Wizard World. Aside from the name change, I don't think anyone could tell a difference. Fan Expo 2023 was as well-organized and fun as any comic con I attend.
Fan Expo has many such events nationwide. The next one if in Dallas, October 20-22. G to for more info and updates. Check back here for my recurring coverage.
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