Monday, October 23, 2023

Friend Encounters: Maggie Lee and Mike Pankow

Friend Encounters is a weekly series featuring friends who have met celebrities.

I have known Mike Pankow for many years. We crossed paths at wrestling events all over the Chicago area.

A few years ago, Mike started Windy City Slam, a wrestling website and podcast. Mike is a one man show, covering wrestling in the midwest, but also big news around the world. 

Obviously, I cover wrestling, too, but admittedly not as in depth as Mike. He sometimes covers multiple events in one day. I have sen him come to a wrestling show, get some content and leave before the matches even start because he had somewhere else to go.

Mike is a great guy and definitely passionate and knowledgeable about wrestling. Windy City Slam has grown a lot in a short time and is one of the most respected wrestling sites.

With his background, he obviously knows talent. He took the pic below with Maggie Lee, a young wrestler who appears to have a bright future. I might have to have an interview with Mike to get his scouting report on Maggie and others. 

Check to see Mike's great work. Keep your eye out for him at wrestling shows and talk wrestling with him.

Mike Pankow and Maggie Lee in Long Grove, IL-August 2023.

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