Monday, March 11, 2024

Friend Encounters: Christy Hemme and Jim Strong

Friend Encounters is a weekly series featuring friends meeting celebrities.

Music and wrestling are two of my pal Jim's interests. Christy Hemme meets both requirements.

I have known Jim for many years. I first met him when he was photographing wrestling. We don't remember when we first met. He doesn't even remember an event we attended sometime after meeting. Although we knew each other, he doesn't even remember helping me when my camera died and he took pictures of me with wrestlers at a signing.

When I saw former wrestler Hemme was appearing at the Midwest Sports Buffet, I thought I might see Jim there and I did. (Maybe he'll even remember this meeting. LOL)

Hemme debuted in the WWF in 2004. She also worked in Impact Wrestling. Along the way, she also dabbled in music, with her band Hemme. I am a bit biased, but I really liked her music.

Hemme stepped out of the limelight for a while to have a family. She had one child, then had quadruplets. Recently, she started doing appearances. She looks fantastic and more importantly, she is as sweet as can be. She even remembered me, even though I hadn't seen her in years. Back a few years, Hemme was kind enough to do some promos for my site (which can be foun in the far left column).

Midwest Sports Buffet has small conventions about every month or so. Look for Midwest Sports Buffet on Facebook for more info and scheduling. I keep hoping they will bring more wrestlers like Hemme.

Jim Strong and Christy Hemme in Bridgeview, IL-April 2023.

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