Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Artist AJ Moore at Squared Circle Expo

Every year, I attend Squared Circle Expo, a fantastic wrestling convention. In addition to all of the great wrestlers there, I see many cool vendors and creators, such as artist AJ Moore.

Because I only get to see AJ every year at SCX, I spend a lot of time checking out his new creations. His artwork is awesome and it isn't all wrestling-related. He delves into the world of pop culture, too.

As for the wrestling art, it's incredible. Hi subjects range from the young Skye Blue to the legendary John Cena and all in between. My only problem is I would love all of them. My whole condo would be lined with his artwork.

Another benefit is he is a really cool guy, too. He's up for a chat about wrestling or anything else. He's as engaging and fun as his art.

The next SCX is April 18-19, 2025. I already made my plans for SCX V and I would bet AJ will be there, too.

For more info on AJ, go to Also, check to check out this great event.
AJ Moore and me in Indianapolis, IN-March 2024.

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