Thursday, May 30, 2024

Jack McDowell and the Last Comiskey

Thanks to the magic of social media and Zoom, I was able to interview former MLB pitcher Jack McDowell. That is at On the Beat With Jack McDowell. I had never met McDowell, but that changed a few weeks ago.
I attended a book release party of Last Comiskey. The book by Ken Smoller is an amazing 180-page celebration of the last season at Comiskey Park. It is filled with pictures, quotes and stories from former Sox players and staffers.
The book launch event featured former Sox players  McDowell, Ron Kittle and Donn Pall. Naturally my goal at the event was to get pictures with each of these men.
McDowell was the first of these I saw. He was being interviewed by WGN's Chris Boden. I planted myself outside of camera range, but right next to the interview area. The interview went longer than I expected, but I was not going to abandon my mission. Others gathered around, but I elbowed my way to stay in front. When the interview ended, the PR person grabbed McDowell and started walking away with him. Again, I would not be denied. With camera in selfie mode readied, I called out to McDowell and asked for the picture. He graciously granted my request.
With mission accomplished, I went in search of the other two ex-Sox players. Check back for those stories..
Jack McDowell and me in Chicago, IL-May 2024.

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