Thursday, July 18, 2024

James Azrael at Flashback Weekend 2022

Flashback Weekend returns August 2-4. Once again, I will be "On the Beat" at Chicago's longest-running horror convention.
There will also be many vendors and exhibitors, one of my favorites being my friend James Azrael. I interviewed James about his work with the Horror and SciFi Prop Preservation Association (HSPPA), Spooky's Swirls, The Lobo Fragmendium and more, while also talking about Flashback Weekend. That interview is at On the Beat With James Azrael.
As usual, James will be at Flashback and you never know what he might bring with him, but it will definitely be cool. James is also ready to talk about horror, films, cookies and pretty much anything. Ask him about his film, It's Just a Game, a really interesting movie he did a few years back.
I look forward to seeing James and a bunch of other celebrities, vendors and friends. Flashback Weekend is always a great time.
Check for more info. Also, check back here for my recurring coverage
James Azrael and me in Rosemont, IL-August 2022.

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