Friday, August 30, 2024

Ace Reporter Savanna Collins

Savanna Collins was the host and sideline reporter for the USSSA Pride softball team 2018-2020. Since then, she has been with Athletes Unlimited, among other companies. AU is where I met Savanna and where I see her shine/

Before games, she is running around trying to get content. Although a blur of activity, Savanna always has time to catch up a bit with her fans, even the old guys like me.

Although her job seems fun, it is also challenging to deliver new content, while dealing with the same group of 54ish athletes in one central location over five weeks. Savanna always comes through though. She's a real pro.

The athletes are the focus of AU sports (naturally), but the other folks, like Savanna, who bring extra fun to the games should get their share of the spotlight.

Go to to learn more about her. Also, join me in pushing her to get her own tshirt. I am not alone in wanting to rep Savanna!

Savanna Collins and me in Rosemont, IL-August 2024.

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