Today is my nephew's birthday. Big Money probably celebrated with his family over the holiday weekend, buy I'm saluting him today.
Last week, I covered my first Chicago White Sox game in a long time. As I made my way around the press area, dugout, lockerroom etc., I was reminded of all the fun I had when Matt joined me several times in Houston and elsewhere. We talked with stars, reserves, broadcasters and more. We didn't care. We were just having a blast. We were two goofy kids (me, a lot older of a kid) playing baseball reporters. As much fun as we had, we did take it seriously though. We never took any of it for granted and we knew how good we had it.
I will always cherish those memories and so many others with Matt. Now, he is a married man with two cutie kids. He's creating new memories with them and it is cool to see.
Thanks for the memories, Big Money. Happy birthday!!
Happy Birthday Matt!!
Happy Birthday Matt!!
Happy belated birthday Matt
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