Wednesday, March 28, 2012

On the Beat with Harry Smith (Again!)

Yesterday, I featured a pre-match prediction from with Rhino who was facing the heavyweight champ Harry Smith at Resistance Pro Wrestling's Obsession last Friday.  Naturally Rhino predicted he would win the title from Smith later that night.
Since we got Rhino's prediction, we wanted to get Smith's thoughts on the match.  Smith greeted us enthusiastically and eagerly gave us his opinion on who would win.
The last time we interviewed Smith was at R Pro's first event in December of 2011.  He was our first interview at R Pro.  We were very happy to talk to this young star who is carrying on the Hart legacy.
Smith has done an outstanding job as champ, both in and out of the ring. He puts on excellent matches and
is great with the fans at the meet-and-greets.  Smith is the type of wrestler who can really put Resistance on the map.
We really appreciate Smith for his time and R Pro for their hospitality.  To learn more about this young star, you can follow Harry Smith on twitter.  Also, be sure to check out, for more info, pictures and updates on Smith and the rest of the great talent.

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