Thursday, October 11, 2012

On the Beat at Premier Pro Wrestling

A few days ago, we featured an interview with Randy Ricci, the man behind Premier Pro Wrestling, the newest indy federation in the Chicago area.  My Wrestle Beat co-host Scott Beatty and I attended their second show and walked away very impressed.  We also walked away with some interesting interviews with members of the PPW roster.

I had the pleasure of talking to Barry Ryte for our first PPW interview.  Ryte talked about wrestling after his battle with cancer, his match with Ryback on WWE television and much more.  Learn more about Ryte on the Barry Ryte Facebook page.
Scott took the interview lead and landed Pauly Thomaselli.  The pair talked about Pauly's travels, his start in the business and much more.  Check out the Pauly Thomaselli Facebook page for more on Pauly.
Johngy grabbed Justified for an interview.  Justified talked about his childhood favorites, his wrestling goals and more.  Learn more about him on the Justified Facebook page.
Somehow I knew Scott would snare Derek St. Holmes and he did.  Holmes talked about his wrestling travels, his wrestling style and much more.  Be sure to follow him on his twitter at @StHolmesEsq to learn more about him and get updates.
Scott also got Jeff Luxon (one half of the Midnight Express Reboot).  Luxon talked about his wrestling training, his first match and a lot more.  For more info and updates on Jeff, go to the Jeff Luxon Facebook page.
We had a lot of fun talking to these talented wrestlers and learning more about them.  We plan on checking out more of Premier Pro Wrestling and highly encourage you to do so as well.  Until next time, please go to and the Premier Pro Wrestling Facebook page to learn all about this exciting new company and to get all of the updates.  Their next show is this Saturday, October 13 in Mundelein, IL.

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