Friday, December 21, 2012

Happy Birthday Jimmy!

Jimmy is the last of the Gekas birthday trilogy of late.  Today is his day and I want to salute my dear friend.
It has been a pleasure knowing Jim for the last 17 or so years.  Jim is one of my friends whom I would consider to be as close as a brother.  I consider myself fortunate to have Jim as a friend.
Every year, I like to give Jim something special.  This year, I think he will really like my gift.  It is a picture from Niagara Falls.  Look how tall he is.  He has got to be about 2-3 inches taller than me.
Happy birthday, Jimmy, you tall son of a gun!
Jim Gekas and me at Niagara Falls, Canada-June 2012.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Happy Belated birthday Jim