Mancow Muller came to Chicago in 1994 and created quite a buzz. He has been on the Chicago media scene steadily since then. Currently, he hosts a television show in the morning.
I saw Mancow at the Hollywood Celebrities Show where he had a booth. Oddly though, I met him away from his booth, when he was interviewing other celebrities there. Basically, he was doing what I wanted to do, but with his stature, he had much better access than I did. I hate being beaten at my own game (even if it was his game first).
If you can't beat them, you join them. I went up and introduced myself to him and got the picture. I also did a quick promo for his show.
Wait...Johngy did a promo for Mancow? Yes, I did. Theoretically, it should have been the other way around. Why did I not ask for reciprocation, by the way. Oh well.
I have not seen my promo for him, but I have not watched every minute of his show. I would love to see it some day. If you see it, let me know.
Mancow Muller and me in Rosemont, IL-September 2013.
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