Thursday, December 5, 2013

On the Beat with Laura D. James at Days of the Dead 2013

Yesterday, we featured William L. Bozarth, one-half of the creative force behind Spooky Skwerl Stories at Days of the Dead.  Today, we are showcasing Laura D. James, the other half of the creative pair.
Once again,'s young interviewers Christopher and Steven ask the questions.  Once again, they provide a fresh perspective.  Laura provides the thoughtful, interesting answers, while giving us a look at how she got where she is.
I really liked William and Laura.  They gave us plenty of time and were very patient, open and willing to help us.  That should be no surprise, because you can see they are very fan-friendly on the Spooky Skwerl Stories Facebook page.  They were one of my highlights at the Days convention.
Spooky Skwerl Stories sound like a lot of fun.  With William and Laura behind them, I have no doubt they are an enjoyable read for kids (who am I kidding...I know I will read them, too!).
After you watch the interview, head over to Spooky Skwerl Stories on Facebook to learn all about this cool series.

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