Thursday, July 25, 2019

Donald Gibb at Flashback Weekend 2017

Flashback Weekend returns to Rosemont, IL August 2-4. I have had many fantastic moments at Flashback and I am recalling some of them as we head into this year's event.
I actually met actor Donald Gibb while working out at LA Fitness. I rarely recognize anyone, but my friend Jim immediately knew it was Gibb when we first saw him. We talked for several minutes, before letting him get back to his workout.
Gibb is probably best known for his role as Ogre in the Revenge of the Nerds franchise. His acting resume goes back to 1980 and includes roles on many tv sitcoms, as well as feature film roles.
Last year, I caught up with Gibb at Flashback Weekend. He remembered me as I approached him and he couldn't have been any nicer. We talked a bit about working out and the convention scene. At the time, he had not done many.
I always wonder how an actor feels about being so strongly recognized for a role, despite having such a long career. Obviously, it is always good to be remembered, but does it get tiring to talk so much about one specific role? For Gibb, it's all good. He embraces his role as Ogre and all that comes with it. 
Gibb currently lives in the Chicago area. If you see a 6'4" behemoth who looks like Ogre, it very well might be Gibb!
Check for more info, including scheduling and the celebrity guest list. Also, follow Flashback Weekend on Facebook for frequent updates.
Donald Gibb and me in Rosemont, IL-August 2017.

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