Friday, September 8, 2023

On the Beat With Missa Kate at StarrCast VI

My coverage of StarrCast VI continues with an interview with Missa Kate of 2econd Wrestling. "Chicago's favorite sweetheart" is also one of Johngy's Beat's favorites.
Missa Kate is talented in the ring as a technical wrestler or a brawler. She is excellent on the mic, loaded with charisma, personality, attitude and look of a champ. I would call her "The Total Package," but that name is already used by another wrestler and Missa Kate is too much of an original to copy anyone.
I have never seen a bad match from Missa Kate. She doesn't always win, of course, but she always puts on a wrestling clinic.
At StarrCast VI, I had the pleasure of interviewing her about her upcoming title match with Arik Cannon at 2ecind Wrestling's Technicolor Dreamwars in October. Formerly one-half of the NWA Women's tag team champions (with Madi Wrenkowski), Missa is capable of beating Cannon or anyone else. She is collecting belts and hopes to add the 2econd Wrestling championship to her resume. She also talked a bit about donuts, one of her other passions.
Check my interview at On the Beat With Missa Kate at StarrCast VI. Check my StarrCast VI recaps on Follow 2econd Wrestling on Facebook for updates.

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