Friend Encounters is a weekly series featuring my friends meeting celebrities.
Today's feature was orchestrated by me. I wanted to do something a little different at C2E2 last year. I figured my pal Joey Roth would be great at interviews and I set up a few for him. Of course, my other pal Paul Erickson was one of the creators I wanted Joey to interview.
Paul is the world's leading nerd parodist. He books parodying Star Wars, Lord of the Rings and more are highly entertaining, even if you aren't necessarily a fan of the original franchises. Paul puts funny spins on all. I have recommended his books to fans and non-fans and everyone has simply loved them.
Joey is a wrestling manager, who occasionally gets in the ring, too. He is also an actor, having performed on television and stage. Joey is one of a kind. Love him or hate him, you cannot ignore him. I don't want to break the reputation, but he is also one of the nicest people I know.
Joey did a great job with the interviews. Because he didn't know the creators, he came at it with a fresh approach, which is exactly what I wanted. He also provided his usual humor. It was a great mix of serious talk with shenanigans. Also as expected, he had great chemistry with everyone. You can find that interview at On the Beat With Paul Erickson at C2E2 2020.
C2E2 2021 runs December 10-12. Go to for more info and check back here for my recurring coverage. Also, check out to see Paul's great work. Lastly, look for Joey all over the Chicago wrestling and entertainment scene.
Joey Roth and Paul Erickson in Chicago, IL-March 2020.
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