Sunday, May 12, 2013

On the Beat with James Finn Garner at C2E2 2013

James Finn Garner is a Chicago-based author, whose first book Politically Correct Bedtime Stories spent 65 weeks on the New York Times Best Sellers list.  He has since written several more books, including his latest, Honk Honk, My Darling: A Rex Koko, Private Clown Mystery, a clown noir.
Clown Noir?  Oh, I am all over that.'s Scott Beatty took the lead in this interview with Garner.  They discussed Garner's career, his future projects and Rex Koko, of course.  The whole time, while I was fascinated by Garner, I kept thinking I could hardly wait to dive into Rex Koko.
Clown Noir?
How positively cool and intriguing.  I am thinking it would take a talented author to pull off such a thing.  The reviews I have read call it "ridiculous and real" and "unbelievably believable."  I really can't wait to add my thoughts to those reviews.  Just when I think I have seen all genres of books, out pops Garner and Clown Noir.
I really appreciate Garner giving us his time.  It was a real pleasure talking to him during and after the interview.
After you watch our interview, please check out  Also, be sure to check out the James Finn Garner Facebook page as well as following James Finn Garner on twitter.

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