Heather is everything you would want in a quarterback and teammate. She is an excellent athlete (who also happens to excel on defense). She is also talented, smart and competitive. It doesn't hurt that she has a winning personality, too.
We had the pleasure of watching Heather and the Bliss up close all season. I gained another level of respect for all of the players. These women are as tough and as skilled as any athletes I have ever seen.
It is the offseason now, but Heather is in midseason form all year. There is no letdown. She is ready to go for the 2014 season.
JohngysBeat.com's Special Correspondent Jack Keenan and I ventured over to Murphy's Bleachers to catch up with Heather. The Rockstar gave us her usual candid thoughts on several topics. Heather gives great interviews, never relying on generic answers.
One topic covered was the Bliss tryouts which will take place on Saturday, October 26, at the Bridgeview Sports Dome. I won't be trying out, but I will be there to cover the event.
We really enjoyed our interview with Heather. As I wrote, we have enjoyed the entire experience with the Bliss. Watch the interview. Check out the team. Come to a game next season. I am sure you will love the Bliss as much as I do.
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