One of the joys of Resistance Pro is sharing the fun with friends. Several months ago, my great friend Louie brought his kids to their first RPro event. We all had a great time.
One of our long time friends, George Frigelis, saw the pictures and asked about RPro. Fast forward a few months and George was able to bring two of his children to an RPro show.
The kids had a great time and even got in the ring at the end of the night. Of course, the adults had a blast, too.
This is business as usual for RPro. Every one of my friends who has made it to a show has had a fun-filled evening. What's not to like? Great wrestling. Interesting characters. Friendly interaction with the wrestling stars. Occasional appearances by the Chicago Bliss even.
I have previously written many times about my fun at RPro, but stories like this prove it isn't just me. It is everyone. I am calling out all of my friends (and anyone who reads this) to come out to an RPro show and see for yourself. It isn't just hype.
It was great to see George and his kids and Louie and his crew. It was even better to share a fun evening of RPro with them, especially since I had helped to get them to the Barn!
I love the picture below. Great friends and great memories. Thank you RPro.
George Frigelis, me and Louie Atsaves in Willowbrook, IL-April 2014.
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