Thursday, June 23, 2022

Chris Ehnot at Wizard World Chicago 2017

The much-anticipated Fan Expo runs in Chicago July 7-10. It's a big event, as it is the first Chicago event since Fan Boy acquired Wizard World. Fan Expo has had several other events and the reviews have been great.
One of the staples of Wizard World was Chris Ehnot, a graphic designer and illustrator. He has done many covers and other work. He is super-talented and one of the most popular and busiest folks in Artist Alley at any convention.
Chris is another creator whose booths always amaze me. It's juts one beautiful creation after another. I can get lost in the art. I sometimes have to step back, so others can actually do business with CVhris at his booth.
In lieu of an Aquaman, I probably pick hs Supergirl as my favorite of his works. Of course, he has so many more, including a lot of newer characters. I'm old school though.
Chris sells commissions through his website. He has various options and they are all written clearly. Some of them include donations to The Hero Initiative, an organization created to help comic creators in emergency need. I applaud Chris for his efforts for The Hero Initiative and I support the cause as well.
Check out for more info on Chris and his artwork. Also, check for info and schedules on all of their events.
Chris Ehnot and me in Rosemont, IL-August 2017.

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