Tuesday, September 12, 2023

On the Beat With Danhausen at StarrCast VI

My coverage of StarrCast VI concludes with my interview with Danhausen of All Elite Wrestling. It is a bit silly, but at least I was not cursed.

Danhausen and I go back many years in a way. I met Brian Danhausen at the Motor City Comic Con many years ago. The artist and writer is the father of wrestler Danhausen. The elder Danhausen spoke highly of his wrestler-wanna-be son. Fast forward to the present and Danhausen's goal ca meto fruition. The younger Danhausen is one of the stars of AEW.

 At StarrCast VI, I had the pleasure of a short interview with him. He talked about the convention, Halloween, food and his favorite artost and writer (aka Poppa Danhausen). We packed a lot into a short interview, but it was a lot of fun.

Watch our interview at On the Beat With Danhausen at StarrCast VI. Check my wrestling coverage on TheEveryDayFan.com.

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