Wednesday, September 13, 2023

On the Beat With Rabbi Jeremy Fine of 2econd Wrestling at StarrCast VI

My coverage of StarrCast VI continues with Rbbi Jeremy Fine. The owner-promoter of 2econd Wrestling discussed the state of the company, the future, the upcoming show, the summer tour and more.
2econd Wrestling is a relatively new, but massively popular, wrestling company. The first champion was Billie Starkz, who held the title for more than a year. Starkz lost the title to Arik Cannon in controversial fashion in a four-way match. Cannon will defend his title against Missa Kate (featured here recently) at Technicolor Dreamwars in October.
I have written about 2econd Wrestling several times, but they keep seeming to top themselves. Rabbi Fine does a fantastic job at running and promoting great shows. The matches are solid, top to bottom. Every show has been top-notch. Rabbi Fine is building something special with 2econd Wrestling and I am happy to give him more exposure.
Watch our interview at On the Beat With Rabbi Jeremy Fine at StarrCast VI. Check my StarrCast VI recaps on Also follow 2econd Wrestling on Facebook for updates.

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