Monday, October 2, 2023

Friend Encounters: Jim Wojdyla and Jim Strong

Friend Encounters is a weekly series featuring friends meeting celebrities.

My pal Jim Strong took a break from wrestling to meet a man of many talents and roles. Jim W. is a real renaissance man.

Jim Wojdyla is the Marketing Director ot the Volo Museum, an amazing auto showcase. He is also the founder and lead singer of the Modern Day Romeos, an author and more. 

Located in northern Illinois, the Volo Museum sits on a huge piece of land because it has so many exhibits. Automobiles of all sorts take up most of the space, but there are also plenty of other things to see there. If you are anywhere in the area, it is well worth a trip.

Back to Jim S., he is a big fan of wrestling, photography and music, sometimes combining all three. While he isn't a Renaissance man (sorry Jim), he is a great guy and always a welcome sight at events.

Does anyone recognize Jim W.'s jersey? Maybe it is a custom jersey for a rec team?

Jim Wojdyla and Jim Strong in IL-June 2021.

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