Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Appreciating Tom Shaer

Decades ago, Tom Shaer was the first voice heard on the new WSCR radio station. The Score was on the air and Tom Shaer led the way.

I loved the Score back then. Admittedly, some of the Score personalities were criticized for their shows, but I found them mostly very entertaining and informative.

Shaer was a no-nonsense broadcaster. That doesn't mean no fun. It just means he relied on sports info as the backbone of his shows. He sprinkled in his humor and personality, but the sports topics were the main focus.

As the years passed, the Score has undergone many lineup changes. I find it mostly unlistenable now. Maybe I am old and steps away from yelling at kids to get off my lawn, but I can't deal with the constant giggling and silliness on many shows.

I don't want a show of jokes. I don't want to hear silliness. I don't like a hot opinion just for the sake of having a hot opinion. I enjoy good sports talks and debates.

I had the pleasure of meeting Shaer at the recent book launch party for The Last Comiskey. I am pretty sure I met him way back at a Score bowl-a-thon, but this time I was able to tell him how much I appreciate him. I miss Shaer.

Tom Shaer and me in Chicago, IL-May 2024.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I couldn’t agree more. Today’s Chicago radio shows are boring. Less than 30% talk about sports and their opinions on the players and nangers are so ridiculous. One thing I really despise is when they do a commercial . “ this company installed something in my house, or painted my garage or replaced my tires. - Josh Les, not to throw names is the most annoying.