Wednesday, August 14, 2024

On the Beat With David Michael Frank

I had an interesting interview with musician David Michael Frank. It was as much about his musical career as about a touring business model is formaulated.

A musician from his teens, DMF experienced highs and lows. He put his videos on YouTube, joined a boy rock band and experienced success. He also had his share of frustrations. From all of that came his unique tour idea.

Straying from the usual tour model of a manager handling all, DMF took control. From top to bottom, he is in charge. It is risky, but if successful, and early indications are it is, it can also be highly rewarding. DMF's whole crew stands to benefit, too. It's an interesting concept, capable of scaling to any size.

The interview did also cover his music, too. You don't survive in the industry for that many years and have 3+ million social media followers without talent.

I am fascinated by the self-run tour. I look forward to updates with DMF on both his music and the tour.

Check the interview at On the Beat with David Michael Frank, Also, follow DMF on all of his links.

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