Thursday, August 15, 2024

Talking Travel with Christine Negroni

In the late 1980s, I first saw reporter Christine Negroni on the WGN news. Since then, I have followed her career to CNN, two books and beyond.
Negroni became an aviation safety expert, along with being an excellent reporter. Her two books cover airplane safety. One more is on the way, too.
I had never talked aviation safety on Talking Travel, my interview series on Global Traveler. Negroni was the perfect person to fill that void.
As I did research on her, I found the perfect video right on her website. She mentions being called a "disaster queen," then goes on to speak passionately about air travel. It was perfect and I knew she would be a great guest.
As usual, we started with a briefing of her career, but quickly moved into aviation safety. As evidenced in the video I mentioned, Negroni's passion for travel has not been negatively affected by her work investigating air tragedies. If anything, she has a better appreciation for it.
This was an interesting and fun interview with someone I have followed for almost 40 years. I really look forward to Negroni's next book, but you can hear about that, too, in the interview.
The full story and interview is at Talking Travel with Christine Negroni. I hope you enjoy the interview. I also hope you subscribe to the GT YouTube channel. It's free and easy and my boss likes seeing the subscriber number go up.

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