Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Friend Encounters: Dolly Parton and Chris

Friend Encounters is a weekly series featuring friends meeting celebrities.

Once again, I feature Chris, my east coast pal. Also known as Evil Zebra or EZ, Chris is quite the mystery, as I previously explained.
He was a ref for some wrestling promotion(s?), he was involved in charities, he was on The Mike Douglas Show a few times, he was a friend of the late Dana Plato and on and on. Those are just fragments. The whole story is unknown, despite my efforts to gain info.
On social media, he posts flashback pictures or stories, to which I always respond he should write a book. Even a book of him with the many celebrities he has met would be cool. That list is pretty lengthy, including Sonny Bono, Tommy LaSorda and more, like Dolly Parton. Now there's a pair, EZ and Diller. Just observing that meeting would be fun.
I don't know if I will ever crack the mystery of EZ. I doubt it. If I don't, at least his pictures will gain new life on this site.
Chris and Dolly Parton somewhere-sometime.


Evil Zebra said...

I thought Johngy knew evertything..... too bad he mistaked Dolly Parton as Phyllis Diller... who the F would do that.... Diller is DEAD....Dolly is still hot!

Evil Zebra said...

P.S. This shot with Dolly Parton was taken on the LEFT COAST at a Mike Douglas Show taping in 1980.... when I surprised him with a PHILLIES World Series T-Shirt...while I was visiting Dana Plato.... (Diff'rent Strokes filmed in the same KTLA Studio as "Mike")