Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Nick Shepkowski and Barry Rozner at the Chicago Auto Show 2018

The Chicago Auto Show returns February 12-21. I will be "On the Beat" and I cannot wait.
Like most other conventions CAS was postponed and scaled back. While the pandemic is still around, some things are returning to some sort of normal.I am sure the CAS 2022 will have some restrictions, but it will be great to be back. It's a good sign it is scheduled for 10 days, too.
At CAS 2018, WCSR radio did a lot of live broadcasting from the show floor. I met Nick Shepkowski and Barry Rozner, two of my favorite Score personalities, despite them not being everyday hosts. Shep is a producer and occasional host, while Rozner is a retired sports columnist and occasional host. I find them refreshing. Maybe it is because they aren't on every day.
I mean no disrespect to any hosts when I write that. Being on the air for a few hours every day has to be tough. Of course, it is worth the pay and I would do it in a second, but it is still a challenge to develop interesting content for that many hours.
That's one reason why I like broadcasters like Shep and Rozner. They aren't over saturated on the air. Of course, they also have talent.
When I saw they were broadcasting from CAS 2018, I planted myself by the booth and enjoyed their work. During a break, I approached them for a picture and to express my appreciation for what they do.
WSCR has not broadcast there since then unfortunately. I really liked seeing Shep, Rozner and the other hosts doing their shows live.
Go to for more info on the event. Also, check back here for my coverage.
Nick Shepkowski, Barry Rozner and me in Chicago, IL-February 2018.

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