When I heard that Vivek Tiwary was going to appear at C2E2, I jumped at the chance to meet and talk to him. Tiwary is an award winning producer of Lorraine Hansberry's A Raisin in the Sun and Green Day's rock opera, American Idiot and The Addams Family. The man is talented.
Tiwary's latest project and the big reason for my excitement is The Fifth Beatle. Of course, the fifth Beatle would be Brian Epstein, the original manager of the Beatles. Tiwary is set to write and produce the graphic novel and film about Epstein. He states that it is more a story about Brian as a person (an outside even), than a musical biography.
He showed us a preview of the graphic novel and it looked simply amazing. Aside from being very interesting, this looks to be amazingly artistic and beautiful. I cannot wait to add this to my collection of books on the Fab Four.
Epstein is an interesting choice for such a project. His contributions to the success of the Beatles is undeniable, but often forgotten by most. Tiwary is taking the less-traveled road with this project, but it is a road filled with interesting people and events. With his experience, knowledge and unique view, I feel certain that Tiwary is creating a masterpiece here.
For the interview, I called on JohngysBeat.com's Scott Beatty (lead interviewer, all around big shot and music historian). It seemed like a natural choice.
I really appreciate Tiwary for talking to us. I applaud his professionalism, as he was the first interview subject to ever call me prior to the interview to check on things. It was such a pleasure meeting and getting to know Tiwary a bit.
After you watch the interview, check out TiwaryEnt.com and follow Vivek J. Tiwary on twitter to learn and to keep updated on Tiwary and his projects . Also check out FifthBeatle.com to keep up with the developments on this great project!
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