Friend Encounters is a weekly series featuring friends who have met celebrities.
This picture makes me sad and happy. It features WWE Hall of Famer Jerry "The King" Lawler with my friends Glen and Alicia Rylko. Sadly, Glen passed away last year and I miss my friend.
Glen and I became friends through out mutual love of wrestling and comic cons. We crossed paths for years, eventually becoming good friends outside of those scenes. I was actually at C2E2 when this picture was taken, although I wasn't at Lawler's booth at that exact moment.
Glen is the closest friend I have lost. I miss our random texts and I miss catching up at events. It's like something is missing at comic cons without seeing Glen's smiling face. I always think of him when I meet various celebrities he'd like to have met.
At least we had a lot of fun at these events. I appreciate knowing him, his wife Alicia and son Patrick. There is much more to his family, but I didn't have the pleasure yet of knowing others.
Rest in peace, buddy. Thank you for many great times.
Glen, Jerry Lawler and Alicia in Chicago, IL-March 2015.
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